Authored Futures

1 October 2013
Let us reveal your future
Where will you be in 20 years? What if you could look into the future and know? We have done the impossible: we have built a Time Machine, and we are doing the only logical thing one could do with a time travelling device: sending our Festival authors forward 20 years to discover what the future holds for you.
On Saturday, 5th leap into the future, and will come back with tales of your future exploits. All you need to do is come to the Time Machine on the top floor of the County Buildings on Friday, 4th from 10-1, and sign up to have your future told. 
We will take down a few details from you, and then send our authors off through space and time. When you return to the Time Machine at an assigned time on Saturday afternoon, all will be revealed….
Feel free to just show up at the Time Machine, or email, and we’ll get you set up with one of our time travelling authors. Your future awaits!