Big DoG | Ross MacKenzie ~ Evernight

30 April 2020


Thursday 30 April @ 11am

Thousands of years ago, the Evernight came to the Silver Kingdom and turned everything to darkness and chaos. It was only defeated by the bravery of the Witches. But now it returns and the only spell that might stop it is lost deep below the great city of King’s Haven. The latest fantasy adventure from the winner of the Scottish Children’s Book Award 2012. Ages 11+.

A Magic Activity

Every witch has a wand, used for every piece of magic they do. Each spell is made by the witch who then loads them into the chamber of their wand. Ross invites you to create your very own spell and share it with him.  

Things to remember:

  1. You must give your spell a name.
  2. Write down what your spell does and what effect it has.
  3. Draw the symbols to make up your spell e.g. a light spell might have: a candle; a flame; a sun; a heart; and a tree.
  4. Share your spell by tagging @BigDoGBookFestival on Facebook or email it to

For more Big DoG family fun over the next ten days, look out for the daily events at 11am. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Big DoG is kindly supported by Baillie Gifford.