Freelance opportunity: Scottish Book Festivals Network

18 October 2021

Wigtown Festival Company is looking for a confident self-starter to work in collaboration with our project team to help shape the next phase of the Scottish Book Festivals Network and its programme of activities from November 2021 to the end of March 2022.

The Scottish Book Festivals Network is funded by Creative Scotland and was reconvened by Wigtown Festival Company in December 2020 as a way for book festivals in Scotland to provide peer support, in particular in response to the pandemic. With more than 50 members, it also aims to advocate for Scottish book festivals of all shapes and sizes.  

Nature of the role:
You will mainly be working with Wigtown Festival Company’s artistic director, Adrian Turpin, and cultural producer, Isla Rosser-Owen. Tasks will include, but may not be limited to, the following:

  • Activities:
    - Organising and sometimes hosting monthly meetings of the network, as well as occasional smaller-scale meetings, surgeries, or training sessions as needed.
    - Coordinating the publication of a report on the impacts of book festivals in Scotland (currently being written).
    - Liaising with network members as well as relevant literature organisations to develop best practice guidelines for the Scottish book festival sector.
    - Overseeing the establishment of informal sub-networks that might develop, e.g. for festivals working with children and young people.
    - Other new activities that may emerge from network discussions.
  • Communications:
    - Developing a mailing list for the network and circulating regular network news updates.
    - Managing and developing the network’s Slack account.
    - Managing and developing social media channels for the network.
  • Governance:
    - Reviving the steering group and coordinating regular meetings.
    - Helping to develop a terms of reference and constitution for the network in collaboration with the network’s steering group, and a strategic plan for the network going forward.
  • Administration:
    - Ensuring meeting minutes are up to date and circulated to members, and following up on any outstanding action points.
    - Keeping an up-to-date record of network members and actively working to engage with festivals that are not yet members.
    - Being a point of contact for network members and responding to queries.
    - Conducting an end-of-year survey of members to request feedback on the network’s activity so far and to identify areas for improvement.

Value of contract: £4,000
We estimate this on the basis of 20 days’ work at £200 a day (roughly one day a week from November 2021 to March 2022).

This will not be an office-based role and the successful applicant will need to be set up to work remotely. Occasional travel may be necessary, for which reasonable, pre-approved expenses will be reimbursed.

How to apply:
Please send a CV and a short application letter detailing how you would be suitable for this role to Isla Rosser-Owen at Isla is also happy to answer any queries you might have about the role or the application process. Applicants may also be invited to attend an informal interview on Zoom.

Application deadline:
5pm, Friday 29th October

Please note that this is a freelance role. The successful candidate will not be eligible for National Insurance or pension contributions and will be responsible for paying their own taxes.