Wigtown Festival Company AGM Notice

27 January 2022
A large screen is set up in Wigtown Gardens during the Wigtown Book Festival. Picnic benches with people sitting and a pop up coffee cart.

The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Wigtown Festival Company will take place at 1pm on Thursday 10 February 2022 by ZOOM.

To receive the meeting link please email anne@wigtownbookfestival.com to request it.

Anyone interested in the Wigtown Festival Company is welcome to attend. Only members of the Company may vote on the resolutions proposed at the meeting.
Members who are unable to attend the meeting can vote on the resolutions in advance by completing THIS FORM.

Meeting Documents

AGM Agenda Wigtown Festival Company 10 Feb 2022 at 1pm

Minutes of the last AGM held 11 February 2021

Chair's Report

Treasurer's Report

Bye Laws for Approval

Membership applications are reviewed at Board Meetings. If you would like to become a member of Wigtown Festival Company, please complete THIS FORM.

Filed in: News