We're looking for trustees

16 July 2021

Wigtown Festival Company is looking to recruit new trustees to join its Board. Apart from its signature Book Festival held over 10 days in late September, WFC provides a year-round range of other local activities including a science festival, and programmes for children and young people.

We are looking for individuals who share our aims and objectives to contribute to the ongoing strategic development and governance of WFC.

It is important to us to have a good balance of skills and backgrounds on the Board and we are particularly interested in enhancing our Board diversity, both culturally and in the Gaelic language as well as individuals with arts administration and/or fund-raising experience.

We are also recruiting a new Chair of the Board of Trustees to take up the role in November of 2021. Our current chair, Marjorie Lotfi, intends to remain a Trustee to ensure a smooth transition. 

Applications are open from any part of Scotland although we are also specifically seeking applications from those residing in or having links to Wigtown and Dumfries & Galloway.

The WFC website is a good place to find out more on the work of the Company.  For specific information on the roles and responsibilities of Trustees and how to apply, please follow this link.

Marjorie Lotfi (chair) or Roger Davis (vice chair) will welcome informal discussion about the role in advance of applying.

Marjorie Lotfi – chair@wigtownbookfestival.com

Roger Davis - roger.davis@btinternet.com   

Key dates

Please submit applications by Monday 17 September 2021 by sending your CV and a covering letter of no more than 500 words which sets out how you meet the skills and duties laid out in the recruitment pack.

Applications can be sent to Marjorie Lotfi, Chair at chair@wigtownbookfestival.com