Writers' Gathering D&G Online Showcase

16 April 2021

Each year at the Writers' Gathering D&G we run a bookstall where participants can showcase and sell their published work. Well this year we're taking it online! Here's how to take part:

  1. The online showcase is for Writers' Gathering D&G participants only, so you have to have signed up to at least one of our events in order to be eligible.
  2. We will showcase up to four pieces of work for each contributor, which will be displayed in a panel in a dedicated section of the page.
  3. The work must be published and available to buy. You will need to supply cover images for each book along with a link to where to purchase each book, or a contact email address.
  4. The showcase will go live on Monday 10 May and will remain online for the duration of that week, including the weekend of the Writers' Gathering D&G. It will also be promoted across our networks.
  5. The deadline for applications is Friday 7 May.
  6. If you would like to take part, please complete this online form or contact Isla on isla@wigtownbookfestival.com.

Please note that this showcase does not include the books written by our speakers and workshop facilitators, as those will be available to purchase through our online bookshop.