The James Mirlees Lecture

Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta: The Nature of Economics

Reviewed by E Elliot

Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta’s speech was one of immense pride as he passionately spoke about his late mentor and friend, James Mirrlees.

In his speech he touched on several subjects regarding James including his lack of praise. “It's not intolerable” was one of the best compliments he ever received says Sir Partha.

Wigtown was rapt with awe as Sir Partha shared some of his fondest memories of James and then as he went on to explain his view on his paper “the Dasgupta review”. Sir Partha believes that humanity should have to pay to use the ocean to transport goods from country to country. Sir Partha proposed that the money made should be paid towards the restoration and upkeep of the rainforest in Brazil because, after all, why should one country be solely responsible for something that directly impacts the world without compensation for the land that country would lose in the process?

Sir Partha Dasgupta’s speech will not be easily forgotten by the people of Wigtown as it brings the harsh reality of life into the spotlight and showcases the improvement that needs to be made if we wish to keep our planet alive